How Bioheat® Heating Oil Accelerates Decarbonization Of U.S. Energy

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The Paris Agreement first came to light in 2015, becoming the framework the world is currently using. This agreement created a shift in how the world works, aiming to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. In this article, we discuss what you need to know about decarbonization and how it can be achieved.

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Unintended Consequences of Electrification, What You Need to Know

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Government officials and politicians are eagerly pushing for clean energy via electrification. They do not realize that this way of thinking can keep them from achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal of clean energy by 2050. This article discusses the unintended consequences of electrification and how biofuels are a more immediate and affordable alternative.

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Clean Energy Fuels: How Renewable Bio Fuels Can Help Solve The Climate Crisis

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Our climate emergency is real, and climate change produces devastating consequences all around the globe. If left unchecked, this will lead to water and food insecurity, disrupted economies, conflicts, and more. In this article, we look at clean energy fuels, such as Bioheat® oil, and discuss why they are a viable option to reduce carbon emissions.

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Net Zero Emissions: What You Need To Know

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Townsend Energy acknowledges the effect that carbon-based fuels bring to our environment. We have been taking the lead in the heating oil industry through the development of a carbon fuel alternative called BioPure™ Heating Oil. Read this article to explore more on net zero emissions and how the heating oil industry is doing its part.

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Bio-Diesel Explained: Alternative Fuel Facts & Data

carbon emissions and reduce carbon emissions tag depicting the use of bio diesel

Biodiesel is a fuel renewable fuel source that removes the need for petroleum-derived diesel fuel, unlike other energy usage types that lead to higher emissions. This article discusses more on biodiesel as a crucial source to help the world achieve sustainability, efficiency, and energy security in the future.

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Bioheat® Fuel vs Regular Heating Oil, What You Need To Know

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It’s time to focus on creating a more sustainable future for generations to come. Explore the differences between regular heating oil and bioheat and learn more about the environmental stability, convenience, and comfort that upgrading a home heating fuel source can provide. Click through to read more on this topic.

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Alternative Energy: How Biofuels Reduce Carbon Footprints

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These days, we have effective strategies to lower our carbon footprint to counter the effects of global warming and other adverse effects. The solution is to use alternative energy sources, such as biofuel. This article discusses more on carbon footprints and how switching to BioPure™ Heating Oil can protect the environment.

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Why Bio Fuel, Wind, & Solar Energy Can Lead To Sustainable Energy Use

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The United States needs to utilize sustainable energy sources to reduce its carbon footprint. Many startups and scientists from all over the world focus on this pressing issue. Renewable energy sources like the sun, water, wind, and biofuel help create clean and green energy that is naturally and consistently replenished.

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Biofuels: Making Energy Out Of Plants

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Biofuels are a kind of fuel made from plants that shows a great deal of promise for the future of energy. It’s a renewable fuel, which means it can be produced over and over again. It’s also environmentally friendly, which means it’s a safe choice to protect the earth from further damage.

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Is Biofuel A Renewable Energy Source?

image of soy depicting soy oil used for biofuel production

There is strong evidence that shows that biofuel is one of the most cost-effective ways to limit our dependence on fossil fuels. It also offers a much more accelerated approach when aiming to collectively reduce carbon emissions within the United States. This will enable us to reach carbon neutrality by the year 2050.

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